{{Climate| units = Metric | janhigh = | febhigh = | marhigh = | aprhigh = | mayhigh = | junhigh = | julhigh = | aughigh = | sephigh = | octhigh = | novhigh = | dechigh = | janlow = | feblow = | marlow = | aprlow = | maylow = | junlow = | jullow = | auglow = | seplow = | octlow = | novlow = | declow = | janprecip = | febprecip = | marprecip = | aprprecip = | mayprecip = | junprecip = | julprecip = | augprecip = | sepprecip = | octprecip = | novprecip = | decprecip = | jansnow = | febsnow = | marsnow = | aprsnow = | maysnow = | junsnow = | julsnow = | augsnow = | sepsnow = | octsnow = | novsnow = | decsnow = | jansun = | febsun = | marsun = | aprsun = | maysun = | junsun = | julsun = | augsun = | sepsun = | octsun = | novsun = | decsun = | janh2o = | febh2o = | marh2o = | aprh2o = | mayh2o = | junh2o = | julh2o = | augh2o = | seph2o = | octh2o = | novh2o = | dech2o = | description = '''Here''' type some descriptive text about the location's climate. No literal line breaks are permitted in this text but <br/> and other correctly formatted HTML is okay. See [[Template talk:ClimateDev1#Note]] if an '''equal sign''' is needed in the text. }}